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SOME DAY (Staley)

Scripture Verse

It shall be one day. Zechariah 14:7


Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words: M. Vic­tor Sta­ley, in The New Ev­an­gel (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Am­eri­can Bap­tist Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­ety, 1911), num­ber 164.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 ).

M. Victor Staley (1866–?)


Some day ’twill all be ov­er—
The toil and cares of life;
Some day the world be van­quished
With all this mor­tal strife;
Some day, the jour­ney ended,
I’ll lay my bur­den down;
Some day, in realms su­per­nal
Receive, at last, my crown.


Some day, some hap­py day,
The Lord will wipe all tears away,
And I shall go to dwell with Him,
To dwell with Him, some hap­py day.

Some day I’ll see the man­sions
Of Heav­en’s ci­ty fair;
Some day I’ll greet with plea­sure,
The dear ones wait­ing there;
Some day I’ll hear the voices
Of God’s an­gel­ic throng;
Some day I’ll join the chor­us
In Heav’n’s im­mor­tal song.


Some day I’ll see the Sav­ior,
And know Him, face to face;
Some day re­ceive, un­mea­sured
The bless­ings of His grace;
Some day He’ll smile up­on me
From that white throne above;
Some day I’ll know the full­ness
Of His un­dy­ing love.
