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SOME DAY (Rexford)

Scripture Verse

From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous. Isaiah 24:16


Eben E. Rexford (1848–1916)

Words: Eb­en E. Rex­ford, in Car­ols of Joys, ed­it­ed by Frank Da­vis (Spring­field, Ohio: J. L. Rust, 1882), num­ber 146.

Music: Za­mo­ra Frank M. Da­vis (🔊 ) (ar­ranged for du­et and chor­us).

Frank M. Davis (1839–1896)


I hear a song, a song so sweet,
I try all vain­ly to re­peat
Its me­lo­dy and feel­ing say
I’ll sing it if God wills some day.


Some day, some hap­py day to be,
My voice will learn its me­lo­dy,
And I shall sing the song so sweet,
Of rest and Heav’n at Je­sus’ feet.

Some day my jour­ney will be done,
Earth will be lost and Heav­en won;
And when the long rough way is trod
I shall be­hold the face of God.


Some day, I say, con­tent to wait
The op­en­ing of the jas­per gate,
Come soon or late that day will be
The dawn of end­less rest to me.


When comes the time for me to go,
The home­ward path I may not know,
But in God’s hand my own I’ll lay,
And He will lead me home some day.
