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SOME DAY (Gould)

Scripture Verse

It shall be one day. Zechariah 14:7


Words: J. Glenn Gould & A. F. I. (Arthur Forest Ingler?), 1914.

If you know A. F. I.’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Gould, would you send us an e-mail?

Music: J. Glenn Gould (🔊 ).


Some day when all of life’s sad­ness is ov­er,
And we shall stand on that beau­ti­ful shore;
When all our heart­aches are end­ed for­ev­er,
Dwelling with Christ ev­er­more.


We’ll tell the won­der­ful sto­ry,
There with the King in His glo­ry;
Jesus a man­sion will give us,
In that bright home ov­er there;
Angels we’ll tell of sal­va­tion,
Wonderful gift to the na­tions;
We’ll be the blest of cre­ation,
Reigning with Christ ov­er there.

Oh, praise the Lord for the gift of the Sav­ior!
Favor di­vine to the child­ren of men;
But all the joys of our life here with Je­sus
Burst into ec­sta­sies then.


Free from all sor­row, all care and all sigh­ing,
Free from the pain that we can’t un­der­stand;
In that bright ci­ty there’s n­othing but glad­ness,
Oh, let me fly to that land!


Some day the king will re­turn in His beau­ty;
Some day our loved ones will greet us again;
Some day we’ll join in the songs of the an­gels,
That will be glo­ri­ous then.
