It shall be one day.
Zechariah 14:7
Words & MuÂsic: L. C. TayÂlor, in the CarÂol Crown, by James D. VaughÂan et al. (LawÂrenceÂburg, TenÂnesÂsee: James D. VaughÂan, 1915), numÂber 38 (🔊
If you know TayÂlor’s full name, or where to get a good phoÂto of him (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
We’ll enter our beauÂtiÂful home up in gloÂry,
Some day, some day;
With all the reÂdeemed ones we’ll sing the sweet stoÂry
Some day, some sweet day.
Some day we’ll meet on that goldÂen shore;
O brother, get reaÂdy it may be toÂmorÂrow,
That day, that blest day.
We’ll lay down our burÂdens of toil and of sorÂrow,
Some day, some day;
And singÂing come down to death’s rivÂer so narÂrow,
Some day, some sweet day.
We’ll meet the dear SavÂior who waitÂeth our comÂing,
Some day, some day;
Where anÂgels in gloÂry the green fields are roamÂing,
Some day, some sweet day.
We’ll rest with the ranÂsomed beside the bright rivÂer,
Some day, some day;
We’ll join them in singing God’s praises forÂevÂer,
Some day, some sweet day.