Scripture Verse

There remaineth…a rest to the people of God. Hebrews 4:9


Words: Liz­zie D. Field­er, in Morn­ing Stars, by Tul­li­us C. O’Kane (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio; Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois; St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri & New York: Cran­ston & Stowe and Hunt & Ea­ton, 1890), num­ber 49.

Music: A. B. Car­roll (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Car­roll’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Field­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Sometime the hands,
Grown wea­ry with life’s toil­ing,
Shall fold­ed be across the pulse­less breast,
Sometime the heart,
With care and pain long ach­ing,
Shall be at rest.
Sometime the feet
That climb life’s rug­ged mount­ain,
Shall leave their prints no more along the way,
But pause be­side some cool, life giv­ing fount­ain,
No more to stray.

Sometime the eyes,
Grown dim with cease­less watch­ing,
Amid the mists that shroud our earth­ly way,
Shall close awhile to greet again at wak­ing,
A clear­er day.
Sometime the soul,
Too tired for long­er stay­ing,
Where dirg­es make the me­lo­dy of years,
Shall fall asleep to wake ’mid hea­ven­ly mu­sic,
That knows no tears.

Sometime our pil­grim­age here
Will be end­ed,
Life’s bat­tles fought, and vic­to­ries be won;
Sometime we’ll hear the Sav­ior’s
Welcome plau­dit, Ser­vant, well done!
Sometime, we know this earth­ly
House will crum­ble,
Its beau­ty fade, its mor­tal pow­ers de­cay.
But we’ll abide with­in the heav’n­ly man­sions,
Thro’ end­less day.