Sweet is thy voice.
Song of Solomon 2:14
Words: William Williams (1717–1791) (O llefara addfwyn Iesu). Translated from Welsh to English by Richard M. Lewis (1849–1918).
Music: Llangan Welsh tune, 1859 (🔊
If you know when the translation was done, or where to get a good photo of Lewis (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Speak, I pray Thee, gentle Jesus!
O, how passing sweet Thy words,
Breathing o’er my troubled spirit
Peace which never earth affords.
All the world’s distracting voices,
All th’enticing tones of ill,
At Thy accents mild, melodious,
Are subdued, and all is still.
Tell me Thou art mine, O Savior,
Grant me an assurance clear;
Banish all my dark misgivings,
Still my doubting, calm my fear.
O, my soul within me yearneth
Now to hear Thy voice divine;
So shall grief be gone for ever,
And despair no more be mine.