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Scripture Verse

You hold me by my right hand. Psalm 73:23


Words: Jes­sie H. Ber­ry, in The Morn­ing Light! by So­lo­mon W. Straub (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Root & Sons Mu­sic, 1880), page 16.

Music: N. A. Bouse (🔊 ).

If you know Bouse’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Ber­ry, would you send us an e-mail?


Savior, take my hand in Thine,
Take my hand, oh, take my hand;
For thor­ny is the way and drear,
O’er which my wea­ry feet have come;
Nor do I see my path­way clear,
The path that I would fol­low home.


Savior, take my hand, oh, take my hand,
Hear my plea, O Lord, I pray;
Savior, take my hand, oh, take my hand,
Into Thine, O Lord, to­day.

Savior, hold my hand in Thine,
Hold my hand, oh, hold my hand;
For by the tempt­er would I fail,
Shouldst Thou with­draw Thy hand from me;
The dan­gers great ap­pall my soul;
I cling, I cling and hold to Thee.


Savior, keep my hand in Thine,
Keep my hand, oh, keep my hand;
Then I shall safe­ly pass the way,
Though dark and drea­ry it may be,
Until I reach that bless­èd day
When I shall rest in Heav’n with Thee.
