Scripture Verse

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: Mrs. E. C. Ells­worth, in Wel­come Tid­ings, ed­it­ed by Ro­bert Low­ry, W. How­ard Doane & Ira D. San­key (New York: Big­low & Main, 1877), page 33.

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Ells­worth’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Tho’ the night be dark and drea­ry,
Tho’ the way be long and wea­ry,
Morn shall bring thee light and cheer;
Child, look up, the dawn is near.


There’ll be joy by and by,
There’ll be joy by and by;
In the dawn­ing of the morn­ing,
There’ll be joy by and by.

Tho’ thine eyes are sad with weep­ing,
Thro’ the night thy vi­gils keep­ing,
God shall wipe thy tears away,
Turn thy dark­ness into day.


Tho’ thy spir­it faints with fast­ing
Thro’ the hours so slow­ly wast­ing,
Morn shall bring a glo­ri­ous feast,
Thou shalt sit an hon­ored guest.
