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Scripture Verse

I am with you always. Matthew 28:20


Henry L. Gilmour (1836–1920)

Words: E. C. Ma­cart­ney, 1897.

Music: Hen­ry L. Gil­mour (🔊 ).

If you know Ma­cart­ney’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


When we have come to Jor­dan’s tide,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there;
With Je­sus stand­ing close be­side,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there.
His bound­less grace shall light the place
With beams of glo­ry fair,
And in the sun­shine from His face,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there.


There’ll be no dark riv­er there,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there;
Upon His breast we’ll sweet­ly rest,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there.

With an­gels bend­ing from above,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there;
In fel­low­ship with Him we love,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there.
His word di­vine shall bright­ly shine,
His end­less life we’ll share;
When all to Je­sus we re­sign,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there.


And when we’ve crossed the mys­tic tide,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there;
When we have reached the oth­er side,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there.
And hand in hand we’ll walk the strand
With loved ones bright and fair,
For in that hap­py heav’n­ly land,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there.


Let this blest thought fresh cour­age give,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there;
In that bright home of peace and love,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there.
The gate ajar, we see afar,
Beyond this world of care;
Tho’ Jor­dan’s stream may us di­vide,
There’ll be no dark riv­er there.
