Scripture Verse

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Acts 2:1


Words & Mu­sic: Charles D. Till­man, in Songs of Tri­umph Nos. 1 and 2 Com­bined, com­piled by Jud­son W. Van De Ven­ter (Glas­gow & Lon­don: Scot­tish Bi­ble and Book So­ci­ety, 1890), num­ber 178 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Tillman (1861–1943)


They were in an up­per cham­ber,
They were all with one ac­cord,
When the Ho­ly Ghost des­cend­ed
As was pro­mised by the Lord.


O Lord, send the pow­er just now,
O Lord, send the pow­er just now;
O Lord, send the pow­er just now
And bap­tize ev­ery one.

Yes, the pow­er from Heav’n des­cend­ed
With the sound of rush­ing wind;
Tongues of fire came down up­on them,
As the Lord said He would send.


Yes, this old time pow­er was giv­en
To our fa­thers who were true;
This is pro­mised to be­liev­ers,
And we all may have it too.
