Scripture Verse

Christ, the Savior of the world. John 4:42


Words: Mrs. Jo­seph D. Conk­ling, 1898. Ap­peared in Her­alds of Grace, by Ad­dison Bow­ser (Dan­ville, Penn­syl­van­ia: 1899), num­ber 86.

Music: Ad­di­son B. Bow­ser (🔊 pdf nwc), alt.

If you know Conk­ling’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Addison B. Bowser (1858–1936)


The Sav­ior who saw, from His home in the sky,
From sin we could ne­ver be free,
And loved us so well that He came down to die—
This, this is the Sav­ior for me.


Oh, this is the Sav­ior for me,
Oh, this is the Sav­ior for me,
Who loved us so well that He came down to die,
This, this is the Sav­ior for me.

The Sav­ior who left all the glo­ries of Heav’n,
And died a vile death on the tree,
That I a bright crown, and a robe might be giv’n—
This, this is the Sav­ior for me.


The Sav­ior who feels ev­ery sor­row we bear,
And asks us His child­ren to be,
That safe He may keep, in His ten­der­est care—
This, this is the Sav­ior for me.


The Sav­ior who leads us to trust in His love,
And there we His glo­ry shall see,
And safe­ly will guard, and will take us ab­ove—
This, this is the Sav­ior for me.
