Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God.
1 John 3:1
Words & Music: Mark M. Jones, in BiĀble TemĀperĀance Hymns, edĀitĀed by J. MerĀritte DrivĀer, 1896 (š
To the Young LaĀdiesā ChrisĀtian WorkĀing Band,
MonĀtiĀcelĀlo, IoĀwa.
If you know where to get a good phoĀto of Jones (head & shoulĀders, at least 200Ć300 pixĀels), would you send us an e-mail?
How tenĀderĀly JeĀsus loves us,
With love so pure and free;
Down from His throne abĀove us,
It comes to you and me.
Oh, who can conĀceive it?
Oh, who can beĀlieve it?
Oh, who will reĀceive it,
This love so free?
His love so freeĀly givĀen,
Was purĀchased by His blood,
That from His dear side rivĀen
Pours forth a savĀing flood.
Beneath that purĀple fountĀain,
That flows from JeĀsusā side,
Down ovĀer CalĀvaĀryās mountĀain
We safeĀly may abĀide.
And now the SavĀior begs us
This preĀcious love reĀceive;
And all that it will cost us,
Is simĀply to beĀlieve.