Scripture Verse

Be not faithless, but believing. John 20:27


Words: J. Bald­win Brown, 1859.

Music: St. Ber­nard (Ri­chard­son) Toch­ter Si­on (Co­logne, Ger­ma­ny: 1741). Ar­ranged by John Ri­chard­son (1816–1879) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Brown or Ri­chard­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Thou, who our faith­less hearts canst read,
And know’st each weak­ness there;
Poor, trem­bling, faint, with Thee we plead
O turn not from our pray­er.

We can­not grasp from hour to hour
The truths Thy Gos­pel sa­ith;
Then aid us by Thy heav’n­ly pow­er,
And so in­crease our faith.

That we may trust Thy guard­ian care,
When no kind hand we see;
That we may lift our souls in pray­er
Undoubtingly to Thee.

Help us to gaze on things un­seen
By eyes of mor­tal sight;
To pierce through earth’s dark veil, and glean
Some beams of heav’n­ly light.

Thy glo­ri­ous pre­sence may we see,
When earth’s last tie is riv­en;
In faith then trust our souls to Thee,
Till we awake in Heav’n.