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Scripture Verse

Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead? Acts 26:8


Words: Anna Hoppe, 1920.

Music: From­mer Jo­hann G. C. Störl, 1710 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Störl (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Hoppe, would you send us an e-mail?

Anna B. Hoppe (1889–1941)


Thou Lord of life and death,
Blest Son of God the Fa­ther,
Jesus, in hum­ble faith
Before Thy throne we ga­ther;
Thy Spir­it bids us come
In fer­vent pray­er to Thee,
O bless Thy Christ­en­dom
Now and eter­nal­ly.

Thou speak­est but a word,
And lo! the dead awak­en,
Why should we sor­row, Lord,
When those we love are tak­en
From this drear vale of tears
To realms of bliss above?
Hush Thou our griefs and fears,
Thou fount of bound­less love.

When judg­ment trum­pets wake
All who in death are sleep­ing,
To Sa­lem’s man­sions take
The saved in Thy love’s keep­ing.
When at Thy blest Arise!
We greet Thee, ris­en king,
The realms be­yond the skies
With end­less praise shall ring.