Scripture Verse

Revive us, and we will call on Your name. Psalm 80:18


Words: James Holme, Hymns and Sac­red Po­et­ry (Lon­don & Ed­in­burgh, Scotland: J. Bry­done and Sons; Rich­mond: John Bell, 1861), page 93, alt.

Music: Mait­land George N. All­en, The Ob­er­lin So­cial and Sab­bath Hymn Book (Ob­er­lin, Ohio: James M. Fitch, 1844), num­ber 109 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Holme (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

George N. Allen (1812–1877)


Thou on­ly couldst, great Three in One,
Salvation’s scheme con­trive,
Reveal a Sav­ior to atone
And bid dead souls re­vive.

’Tis Thine alone, O God of Love,
With our hard hearts to strive.
Make dark­ness from the mind re­move,
And light and hope re­vive.

Be this, O Lord, a quick­en­ing hour,
Hell of its prey de­prive,
Convert us by Thy so­ve­reign pow­er,
And Thy own work re­vive.

When plea­sure’s wiles, or earth-born fear
Our souls to sin would drive,
Let Thy own light of truth ap­pear
And our weak faith re­vive.

O Lord, the pow­ers of death de­stroy
That with our sins con­nive;
Fill us with soul-ex­alt­ing joy,
And Heav’n-born peace re­vive.

Jesus, our bro­ther and high priest,
Is ev­er­more alive.
By Him from guilt and grief re­leased
May we thro’ grace re­vive.

From strength to strength may we pro­ceed,
Till all in Heav’n ar­rive;
And from each earth­ly tram­mel freed
Like Thy own self re­vive.