Thy will be done.
Matthew 6:10
Words: Lottie Blackwood, in Salvation Echoes, edited by Barney Warren, Andrew L. Byers, Clarence E. Hunter & Daniel O. Teasley (Anderson, Indiana: Gospel Trumpet Publishing, 1900), number 200, alt.
Music: Harbin Lottie Blackwood, harmonized by Barney E. Warren (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Blackwood (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Thy will alone, dear Lord,
Is all I care to do
In all I act or speak, or think,
While I remain below.
I care not what I do,
I care not where I go,
If Thou will gently lead me, Lord,
Down thro’ this vale of woe.
I’m not afraid to trust,
I see Thy smiling face;
Thou drew apart the veil for me,
Within the holiest place.
Then help me trust Thee, Lord,
To all Thy will I bow;
A supplicant at Thy great throne,
Thou dost receive me now.