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Scripture Verse

The world is Mine, and all that is in it. Psalm 50:12


Maltbie D. Babcock

Words: Malt­bie D. Bab­cock, Thoughts for Ev­ery-Day Liv­ing (New York: Charles Scrib­ner’s Sons, 1901), pag­es 180–82, alt.

Music: Ter­ra Be­ata Eng­lish tune, ar­ranged by Frank­lin L. Shep­pard in Al­le­lu­ia (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion & Sab­bath School Work, 1915), num­ber 180 (🔊 ).


While a pas­tor in Lock­port, New York, Bab­cock liked to hike in an area called the es­carp­ment, an an­cient up­thrust ledge near Lock­port. It has a mar­vel­ous view of farms, or­chards, and Lake On­tar­io, about 15 miles dis­tant.

It is said those walks in the woods in­spired these lyr­ics. The ti­tle re­calls an ex­press­ion Bab­cock used when start­ing a walk: I’m go­ing out to see my Fa­ther’s world.


This is my Fa­ther’s world,
And to my list­en­ing ears
All na­ture sings, and round me rings
The mu­sic of the spheres.
This is my Fa­ther’s world:
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the won­ders wrought.

This is my Fa­ther’s world,
The birds their car­ols raise,
The morn­ing light, the li­ly white,
Declare their mak­er’s praise.
This is my Fa­ther’s world:
He shines in all that’s fair;
In the rust­ling grass I hear Him pass;
He speaks to me ev­ery­where.

This is my Fa­ther’s world.
O let me ne’er for­get
That though the wrong
Seems oft so strong,
God is the rul­er yet.
This is my Fa­ther’s world:
The bat­tle is not done:
Jesus who died shall be sa­tis­fied,
And earth and Heav’n be one.

This is my Fa­ther’s world,
Dreaming, I see His face.
I ope my eyes, and in glad sur­prise
Cry, The Lord is in this place.
This is my Fa­ther’s world,
From the shin­ing courts above,
The Be­lov­ed One, His only Son,
Came—a pledge of death­less love.

This is my Fa­ther’s world,
Should my heart be ev­er sad?
The lord is King—let the heav­ens ring.
God reigns—let the earth be glad.
This is my Fa­ther’s world.
Now clos­er to Heav­en bound,
For dear to God is the earth Christ trod.
No place but is ho­ly ground.

This is my Fa­ther’s world.
I walk a des­ert lone.
In a bush ablaze to my won­der­ing gaze
God makes His glo­ry known.
This is my Fa­ther’s world,
A wan­der­er I may roam;
Whate’er my lot, it mat­ters not,
My heart is still at home.

Asulkan Glacier
Albert Bierstadt (1830–1902)