Scripture Verse

There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents. Luke 15:10


Words: Ge­rard Moul­trie, 1873. The hymn was writ­ten for St. Mi­chael’s Church, Folke­stone, and pub­lished in Ed­ward Hus­band’s 1873 Ap­pen­dix to Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern.

Music: Folke­stone Pro­ces­sion­al Ed­ward Hus­band (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hus­band (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Gerard Moultrie (1829–1885)


There is sound of re­joic­ing
Around the great throne,
A whis­per of my­ri­ad wings;
For the foe that ac­cus­eth
Us lies cast down,
And the choir of an­gels sings—


Salvation, and hon­or, and ma­jes­ty be,
Lord of all pow­er and might un­to Thee.

And the soul may ap­proach
To her God with­out dread,
In mo­ment of praise of pray­er;
Fear ye not, the bright an­gels
Of God have said,
Glad tid­ings of joy we bear.


But the hour draw­eth nigh
When the an­gel shall stand
With foot on the si­lent shore;
By the Lord he shall swear,
As he lifts his hand,
And that time shall be no more.


And the thun­ders shall roll,
And the dead, great and small,
At the throne of the Judge shall stand;
And the song shall re­sound
Thro’ the heav’n­ly hall,
Of the saints at God’s right hand.
