Scripture Verse

Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life from fear of the enemy. Psalm 64:1


Words: Jo­seph Smith, in The Saints’ Harp (La­mo­ni, Io­wa: 1870).

Music: Park Street Fred­er­ick M. A. Ve­nua, cir­ca 1810 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joseph Smith III (1832–1914)


Unmoved by fear, my praise is due
To Thee, Thou gra­cious God of saints;
Thy mer­cies great, Thy coun­sel true,
My pray­ers are heard and my com­plaints;
My pray­ers are heard and my com­plaints.

Compassed by love, my heart’s best thought
I raise in gra­ti­tude to Thee;
Nor wait to thank Thee; all un­taught,
Thy love’s best gift hath taught it me;
Thy love’s best gift hath taught it me.

I fear but that I may not gain
A place be­side my nob­lest friend;
I love, but ah, the sweet re­frain,
On Thee, my Sav­ior, I de­pend;
On Thee, my Sav­ior, I de­pend.