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Scripture Verse

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3


Words: Flo­ra J. Tubbs, in The Cen­tu­ry Gos­pel Songs (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Bil­horn Bro­thers, 1901), num­ber 157, alt.

Music: Fred De­gen, ar­ranged by Pe­ter P. Bil­horn (🔊 ). Note: The Cen­tu­ry Gos­pel Songs, and a mi­no­ri­ty of hym­nals, spell De­gen’s giv­en name as Ferd.

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Tubbs or De­gen (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Peter P. Bilhorn (1865–1936)


Sometimes my heart is sad and hea­vy,
Dark seems the way;
Then many doubts and fears as­sail me,
Hope sheds no cheer­ing ray.
Hark! I hear a voice so sweet­ly
Whisp’ring in my ear,
I’ll guard and guide thee on thy path­way;
Trust Me and do not fear.

Sometimes I faint be­neath my bur­dens,
Heavy to bear;
Sometimes I long to rest for­ev­er,
Free from each earth­ly care.
Hark! again that voice, so ten­der,
Calms my trou­bled breast;
Come un­to Me, thou hea­vy la­den,
And I will give you rest.

So I go on my way re­joic­ing,
Happy and blest;
I trust alone in Christ, my Sav­ior,
Who giv­eth peace and rest.
Hark! that voice of blest as­sur­ance,
Comes again to me,
In per­fect peace Thou’lt ev­er keep him
Whose mind is stayed on Thee.