Be…ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.
Matthew 24:44
Words: H. V. Skipper, in The Golden Sheaf (Boston, Massachusetts: Advent Christian Publication Society, 1902), number 41.
Music: George W. Sederquist, harmony by Frederick S. Stanton (🔊
If you know Skipper’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
The night was dark, and all was still,
Ten virgins slumbered on,
When suddenly each heart was thrilled
To hear the startling song.
Hark! ’tis the voice of the Bridegroom,
Calling His loved ones away;
Be ready with your lamps brightly burning,
To welcome the Master on that day.
Those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps,
For they had waited long
In hope to see their absent Lord,
And greet Him with their song.
Five of them stood in sore dismay,
For out their lamps had gone;
They tried in vain, it was too late
To join the bridal throng.
Give of your oil,
the foolish cried,
That we our lamps may trim;
’Tis dark, the way we cannot see,
We have no light within.
There’s not enough for us and you,
The others did reply;
But go at once to those who sell;
Make haste of them to buy.
And while with empty lamps they went
For oil at yonder store,
The Bridegroom came, and took the wise
And shut salvation’s door.