For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Henry R. Bramley, Christmas Carols, New and Old (London: Novello & Ewer, 1871), number 27.
Music: Interlaken traditional tune, arranged by John Stainer, 1871 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Bramley (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Wake all music’s magic powers,
On this blissful morning;
Born today, the Child is ours,
Theme of prophet’s warning;
Giant in the race He tow’rs,
Toil and danger scorning.
O that blessèd going out,
Which salvation brought about,
O that blessèd going out,
Which salvation brought about.
Let this glorious holiday
Find such holy spending,
That the simple hearted may
Joy without offending,
And sweet charity may stay,
With our concourse blending.
Give we glory to this feast,
For man’s restoration:
Now the guilty is released,
Freed from condemnation:
By the widow’s son deceased,
See Elisha’s station!
O how bright is this day made,
Day with radiance glowing,
Which the Light of light displayed,
Light in darkness showing;
Chasing thus death’s gloomy shade,
Brightness o’er us throwing!
Risen today in splendor bright,
Shining to all ages,
Beams the Sun, whose distant light
Touched the prophet’s pages;
Now, to end the reign of night,
Christ His power engages.