Scripture Verse

I will arise and go to my father. Luke 15:18


Words: J. B. Pack­ard, in Wreath of Praise, by Asa Hull (New York; Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio; & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Da­ni­el W. Knowles, John Church & Hen­ry A. Sum­ner, 1879), page 21.

Music: Asa Hull (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Pack­ard’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Asa Hull (1828–1907)


Hark! the bell to pray­er is call­ing,
Wanderer, come!
In God’s house with re­ver­ent feel­ing,
Seek thy home.
There’s a man­sion far above thee,
Where dwell spir­its pure and love­ly;
Wanderer, ’tis thy home;
Wanderer, ’tis thy home.

Hark! those bell-tones sweet­ly peal­ing,
Come, O come!
Far and wide me­lo­di­ous steal­ing,
Come, O come!
Thro’ each heart the voice is thrill­ing,
Storms of grief and pass­ion still­ing,
Wanderer, hast­en home;
Wanderer, hast­en home.

Still the ec­hoed voice is ring­ing,
Come, O come!
Every heart pure in­cense bring­ing,
Hither come.
Father, round the al­tar bend­ing,
May our souls to Heav’n as­cend­ing,
Find in Thee their home,
Find in Thee their home.