Scripture Verse

The blood of Jesus Christ…cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1:7


Words & Mu­sic: Charles P. Jones, in The Re­vi­val No. 6, by Charles D. Till­man (At­lan­ta, Geor­gia: 1910), num­ber 8 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Jones,

Charles P. Jones (1865–1949)


Washed in the blood, by the Spir­it sealed,
Christ in His word is to me re­vealed;
Glory to God! in my soul doth shine
God, my sal­va­tion, and His life is mine!


Washed in the blood, washed in the blood!
Washed in the blood, in the soul cleans­ing blood!
Washed in the blood, washed in the blood!
Sealed in the Spir­it true, and washed in the blood.

Once I was blind, but be­hold, I see;
God from above now hath shined in­to me;
Cleansed from all sin, in His word I be­hold,
Wealth which can ne­ver be com­pared to gold.


O that the world might the Sav­ior see,
That bless­èd Sav­ior who saved poor me!
O how the lost ones would come shout­ing home,
Never, ne­ver, ne­ver, ne­ver­more to roam!


Washed in the blood! sin­ner, come to­day;
Jesus, so free­ly the debt will pay;
Come to His arms, to His arms of grace,
Come, now in meek­ness, seek the Sav­ior’s face.
