Scripture Verse

This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations. Matthew 24:14


Henry L. Gilmour (1836–1920)

Words: Hen­ry L. Gil­mour, in Ga­thered Jew­els, ed­it­ed by Will­iam A. Og­den (To­le­do, Ohio: Will­ard W. Whit­ney, 1886), num­ber 5.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).


Watchman, blow the Gos­pel trum­pet,
Every soul a warn­ing give;
Whosoever hears the mes­sage
May re­pent, and turn and live.


Blow the trum­pet, trus­ty watch­man,
Blow it loud o’er land and sea;
God com­mis­sions, sound the mes­sage!
Every cap­tive may be free.

Sound it loud o’er ev­ery hill­top,
Gloomy shade and sun­ny plain;
Ocean depths re­peat the mes­sage,
Full sal­va­tion’s glad re­frain.


Sound it in the hedge and high­way,
Earth’s dark spots where ex­iles roam;
Let it tell all things are rea­dy,
Father waits to wel­come home.


Sound it for the hea­vy la­den,
Weary, long­ing to be free;
Sound a Sav­ior’s in­vi­ta­tion,
Sweetly say­ing, Come to Me.


Lyra Germanica, 1862