Good tidings of great joy…to all people.
Luke 2:10
Words: Birdie Bell, 1886.
Music: Boxelder Asa Hull, 1886 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Bell, or a better one of Hull (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Beautiful anthem the first Christmas wakened
Ages ago over Bethlehem’s plain;
Greeting the shepherds with magical accents,
Bringing deliverance from sin’s deep stain.
Ring out a welcome to Christmas’ fair morning,
Herald its coming, each fresh, youthful voice;
Ring out a welcome, a bright cheery welcome!
Christmas is dawning, let earth rejoice!
Peerless the singers, and wondrous their singing;
Glorious theme: Lo, a Savior is born!
Royal Deliverer, His praises are ringing,
Hailing with joy the auspicious morn!
Shall we not join in the loud, swelling chorus
Sending the message from mountain to sea;
Let fairest Peace spread her dove-like wings o’er us,
Making our hearts His fit home to be.