Scripture Verse

Our God, we thank Thee, and praise Thy glorious name. 1 Chronicles 29:13


Daniel A. Poling (1884–1968)

Words: Da­ni­el A. Pol­ing, in Wil­lis­ton Hymns, ed­it­ed by Ho­mer A. Ro­de­hea­ver & Al­vin J. Shar­tle (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Unit­ed So­ci­ety of Chris­tian En­deav­or, 1917), num­ber 2.

Music: Charles H. Ga­br­iel (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


For the fruits of the earth,
And the sky and the sea,
For the boun­ti­ful har­vests
So won­drous­ly free,
For the gold of the au­tumn,
The sear and the brown,
For the bloom of the flow­er
When win­ter is flown,
For the work and the play,
For the night and the day,


We thank Thee, our Fa­ther,
Yea, praise and ex­tol;
We thank Thee, our Fa­ther,
Great God of us all.

For the touch of wee hands,
In the ten­der ca­ress,
For the lips of the fair­est,
And dear­est we press,
For the strength of our fa­thers,
Whose vi­gor we share,
For the faith of our mo­thers,
For love that they bear—
For the friends of tried worth,
For the land of our birth,


For the toil of our hands,
For the task that com­mands,
For the field that is white
Unto har­vest de­mands,
For the hope of the triumph
Of peace o’er the sword,
For the Son of High Hea­ven,
Our Sav­ior and Lord,
For the crown that He wore,
For the cross that He bore,
