Scripture Verse

You can do nothing without Me. John 15:5


Henry C. Clausen (1880–1960)

Words: May Ol­ing­er, in Songs of Grace and Glo­ry, ed­it­ed by Hen­ry C. Clau­sen, An­drew L. By­ers & Otis Teas­ley (An­der­son, In­di­ana: Gos­pel Trum­pet, 1918), num­ber 141.

Music: Gur­ga­on Hen­ry C. Clau­sen (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ol­ing­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


What should we do with­out Je­sus?
What should we do all the day?
With no kind Sav­ior to guide us,
No one to care if we stray?
What should we do when we’re wea­ry,
No one to tell of our cares,
No one to help when we’re tempt­ed,
No one to an­swer our pray­ers?

What should we do without Je­sus?
When in af­flict­ion and pain—
No one to touch us and heal us,
No one to make well again?
Life would be scarce­ly worth liv­ing
If the dear Lord were not near,
Comforting us on life’s path­way,
Filling our hearts with His cheer.

What should we do with­out Je­sus
When the death an­gel draws near,
Silently tak­ing our loved ones,
Those we have long held so dear?
Long would the days be, and lone­ly,
Poor is the earth’s com­fort, and blind;
Then we are sure we should need Him,
Jesus so low­ly and kind.

What should we do with­out Je­sus
When our life is here is all o’er—
No one to take us to Hea­ven,
No one to greet from that shore?
Think of a life that’s been wast­ed,
Spent not in ser­vice to God!
What should we do with­out Je­sus
When laid to rest ’neath the sod?