Scripture Verse

Let the children of Zion be joyful in their king. Psalm 149:2


Words: Charles B. Hilton, 1918.

Music: Ro­ger M. Hick­man (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hil­ton or Hick­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


When the King shall come
At the end of days,
All the saints of our God
Will be wel­comed home;
’Round the throne
They will ga­ther to sing His praise,
And will ne­ver again
From His pal­ace roam.


When the King shall come,
When the King shall come,
Songs of joy will re­sound
From the east and west,
And the saved will re­joice
In that land of rest,
When the King shall come,
When the King shall come;
There’ll be glo­ry when
The King shall come.

When the King shall come,
Will He wel­come you?
Will He give you a place
With the saints who reign?
Or when judged by the King
In the last re­view,
Will you pass to the realms
Of eter­nal pain?


When the King shall come
With a shout at dawn,
Earth and stars will dis­solve
In a fer­vent heat;
Jeweled crowns, from the mon­archs
Of earth with­drawn,
Will be cast with ho­san­nas
At Je­sus’ feet.
