As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you.
John 20:21
Words: HoÂmer F. KelleÂms, in WorÂship and SerÂvice, edÂitÂed by HarÂvey R. ChrisÂtie (CinÂcinÂnaÂti, Ohio: StanÂdard PubÂlishÂing, 1916), numÂber 58.
Music: C. BlanÂchard Smith (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of KellÂems or Smith (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
When the SavÂior sends us
On a misÂsion here beÂlow,
Trusting Him with joy we go;
Tho’ our jourÂney be across
The wild and storÂmy sea,
He will keep us safe, we know.
We will praise the Lord in gloÂry,
Tell the naÂtions of His love,
Till the sound of sacÂred stoÂry
Echoes ’round the throne above.
Many times we meet with
Trials that seem hard to bear,
But the Lord is alÂways fair;
On the darkÂest days, when
Black and gloomy seems the way,
He is with us evÂeryÂwhere.
So wherÂevÂer Christ shall
Send us with a word of cheer,
We will go, and nevÂer fear;
For the blessÂèd Lord has
Promised in His hoÂly Word,
That to us He’ll e’er be near.