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Scripture Verse

In Thy light shall we see light. Psalm 36:9


Words: Ce­cil Moore, in The Qui­ver (Lon­don; Par­is; New York & Mel­bourne, Aus­tral­ia: Cas­sell, 1885), Vol­ume XX, page 435. Do­mi­nus il­lu­mi­na­tio mea.

Music: Cher­niv­tsi Ed­ward T. O’Kane, in Glo­ri­ous Things in Sac­red Song, by Tul­li­us C. O’Kane (De­la­ware, Ohio: T. C. O’Kane, 1886), num­ber 45 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Moore or O’Kane (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


When the shades of com­ing sor­row
Deepen into star­less night,
Faith’s bright rays il­lume my dar­kness,
With her mot­to—God thy light.
Yes, my light—though all around me,
Groping, seek to walk by sight,
Let me fol­low where Thou lead­est,
God of Love and Light of Light.

If by paths un­known, un­trod­den,
Thro’ deep gorge, o’er diz­zy height,
Guide my feet, up­hold my go­ings,
Thou, Thou on­ly, art my light.
Grant me pow’r, dear Lord, to wit­ness,
How pure faith gleams ev­er bright,
Thine the cloud and Thine the sun­shine,
Thou my Lord, my life, my light.

Such the faith of those, our loved ones,
Standing now in robes washed white,
Now they know how all life’s sha­dows
Brought them near­er to Thy light,
On the shield of faith borne home­ward,
Rest they from the hard-won fight,
And no more can pow­ers of dark­ness
Dim their vi­sion of Thy light.