Narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it.
Matthew 7:14
Words: Ella E. Miles, in Carols of Hope (Boston, Massachusetts: Advent Christian Publication Society, 1906), page 115.
Music: Rasht Frederick S. Stanton, Sr. (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Miles or Stanton (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
Where are they going—
These swift, restless feet?
Where are they bearing
The crowd that we meet?
Here, and now there
They pass quickly along;
Which way will they carry
The fast, changing throng?
Where are they going?
On missions of love,
Spreading the tidings
Of Jesus above?
Bearing some one
Who will gladly repeat
Stories of mercy,
So wondrously sweet?
Where are they going?
Two paths lie before,
One or the other
We all must pass o’er;
Broad one of death—
That is crowded today—
Narrow, of life,
But so few on the way.
Where are they going?
O say, little one,
Over which way
Will thy tender feet run?
Life’s journey starting,
With steps all ahead—
Where are they going?
Which path will you tread?