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Scripture Verse

Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? Luke 17:17


Words & Mu­sic: Phi­lip P. Bliss, Gos­pel Hymns and Sac­red Songs (New York: Big­low & Main, 1875), num­ber 14 (🔊 ).

Philip Bliss (1838–1876)


The Healing of Ten Lepers
James Tissot (1836–1902)

Wand’ring afar from the dwell­ings of men,
Hear the sad cry of the le­pers, the ten;
Jesus have mer­cy! brings heal­ing di­vine,
One came to wor­ship, but where are the nine?


Where are the nine?
Where are the nine?
Were there not ten cleansed?
Where are the nine?

Loudly the stran­ger sang praise to the Lord,
Knowing the cure had been wrought by His word,
Gratefully own­ing the Heal­er di­vine;
Jesus says ten­der­ly, Where are the nine?


Who is this Na­za­rene? Pha­ri­sees say;
Is He the Christ? Tell us plain­ly, we pray.
Multitudes fol­low Him seek­ing a sign,
Show them His migh­ty works—where are the nine?


Jesus on tri­al to­day we can see,
Thousands de­rid­ing­ly ask, Who is He?
How they’re re­ject­ing Him, your Lord and mine!
Bring in the wit­ness­es—where are the nine?


I meant to go back, but you may guess
I was filled with amazement, I cannot express
To think that after those horrible years,
That passion of loathing and passion of fears,
Of sores unendurable—eaten, defiled—
My flesh was as smooth as the flesh of a child.
I was drunken with joy; I was crazy with glee;
I scarcely could walk and I scarcely could see,
For the dazzle of sunshine where all had been black;
But I meant to go back, Oh, I meant to go back!
I had thought to return, when people came out;
There were tears of rejoicing and laughter and shout;
My cup was so full I seemed nothing to lack!
But I meant to go back, Oh, I meant to go back!
