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Scripture Verse

Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:14


Words: Wil­hel­mi­na Crousaz, Heart’s Thoughts (Brook­lyn, New York: John H. Mac­Cor­mack, 1912), pag­es 34–35. Ap­peared in Im­ma­nu­el’s Praise, ed­it­ed by Charles M. Al­ex­an­der, J. Fred Scho­field & George Steb­bins (New York; Chi­cago, Il­li­nois; and Tor­on­to, Canada: Flem­ing H. Re­vell, 1914), num­ber 134, alt.

Note: The five stan­zas be­low are from Im­ma­nu­el’s Praise. The orig­in­al po­em fol­lows them.

Music: George C. Steb­bins, 1914 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Crou­saz (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

George Stebbins


Which way are you tra­vel­ing, my bro­ther?
Which way are you go­ing to­night?
The broad road which leads to des­truct­ion,
Or the nar­row which leads in­to light?


Which way? which way?
Which way are you go­ing, my bro­ther?
The broad road leads to an end­less night;
But the nar­row way leads to realms of day;
The nar­row way leads to realms of day.

The Sav­ior is call­ing you, bro­ther,
To jour­ney with Him on life’s road;
He’ll guide you, pro­tect you, and keep you;
He’ll light­en your life’s wea­ry load.


When foot­sore and lone­ly and wea­ry,
He’ll whisper, My child, I am near;
Just cast up­on Me ev­ery bur­den,
Press on­ward, have faith, do not fear.


He’ll walk ev­er close­ly be­side you,
And lov­ing­ly guard to the end;
Through dan­ger and tri­al, and sor­row,
His pre­sence will ev­er at­tend.


And then He will lead you on safe­ly,
To Ca­naan’s fair, glit­ter­ing shore,
Where you, with the ran­somed in glo­ry,
Shall all dwell with Him ev­er­more.



Which Road?

Which road are you tra­vel­ing, my bro­ther,
Which way are you going to-night?
The broad road which leads to destruction,
Or the narrow which leads unto light?

Your Saviour is calling you, brother,
He calls you from darkness to-night.
Oh, why not just now heed His message,
Oh, why not turn now toward the right?

Your Saviour is calling you, sister,
To journey with Him on life’s road.
He’ll guide you, protect you, and keep you,
He’ll lighten this life’s weary load.

He leads you, dear sister, then follow
The Master, nor evermore roam
Away from the side of thy Shepherd,
Till safely He gathers thee home.

Then journey with Jesus life’s pathway,
For He is your staff and your stay.
The hard, thorny path He has traveled,
His love now will brighten your way.

When footsore, and lonely, and weary,
He whispers, “My child, I am near;
Just cast upon Me every burden,
Press upward, have faith, do not fear.

“For closely I’ll e’er walk beside thee,
And lovingly guard till the end;
Through danger, and trial, and sorrow,
My presence will ever attend.

“And then I will guide you on safely
To Canaan’s blest glittering shore,
Where all of this life’s faithful pilgrims,
Shall rest with Me evermore.”

There with all the saints in Heav’n’s glory
Forevermore, child, thou shalt be,
To sing there His unending praises,
His blessed face ever to see.

Wilhelmina Crousaz
Heart’s Thoughts, 1912