Who is on the Lord’s side?
Exodus 32:26
Words & Music: Thompson H. Jones, 1906 (🔊
). Appeared in Sunday School and Revival, by Charlie D. Tillman (Atlanta, Georgia: 1907), number 223.
If you know where to get a good photo of Jones (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
I see the armies gath’ring for the fray,
Their hosts are being marshaled once again;
The noise of preparation all the day,
Is ringing thro’ the vale and o’er the plain.
Which side are you on in this fight, soldier?
Which side now shall claim your gallant deeds?
Do you march with the King
’Neath the banner of the right
Or follow where the prince of darkness leads?
You cannot be a careless looker on,
You cannot neutral be in this long strife;
You must espouse the cause of right or wrong,
You must your influence give to death or life.
Choose ye between the evil and the good,
Between the path of honor and of shame;
Between the hands which mingle tears and blood,
And those which lift the fallen in His name.
Gird on thine armor for the cause of right,
Which strives for purity, and love and home;
And know that God with His eternal might
Will give thee strength the foe to overcome.