Scripture Verse

Now is the accepted time. 2 Corinthians 6:2


Charles Case (1843–1918)

Words: Da­ni­el W. Whit­tle, in Gos­pel Hymns No. 6, by Ira D. San­key, James Mc­Gra­na­han & George C. Steb­bins (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main and John Church, 1891), num­ber 15.

Music: Charles C. Case (🔊 pdf nwc).

Daniel Whittle (1840–1901)


While we pray and while we plead,
While you see your soul’s deep need,
While our Fa­ther calls you home,
Will you not, my brother, come?


Why not now? Why not now?
Why not come to Je­sus now?
Why not now? Why not now?
Why not come to Je­sus now?

You have wan­dered far away;
Do not risk ano­ther day;
Do not turn from God your face,
But to­day ac­cept His grace.


In the world you’ve failed to find
Aught of peace for trou­bled mind;
Come to Christ, on Him be­lieve,
Peace and joy you shall receive.


Come to Christ, con­fess­ion make;
Come to Christ, and par­don take;
Trust in Him from day to day,
He will keep you all the way.
