Scripture Verse

[He] died, and the angels carried him. Luke 16:22


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Wel­come Tid­ings (New York: Big­low & Main, 1877), num­ber 42.

Music: W. How­ard Doane (🔊 pdf nwc).


Un Âme au Ciel
William Bouguereau (1825–1905)

When I have fin­ished my jour­ney on earth,
Ended my la­bor of love,
When I am wait­ing for Je­sus to say,
Haste to thy man­sion above.


Will they come? Will they come?
Say, will the an­gels come,
And to Je­sus car­ry me home?
Will they come? Will they come?
Say, will the ang­els come,
And to Je­sus car­ry me home?

When I am breath­ing my lat­est fare­well,
Parting from all that is dear,
When on my pil­low I wea­ri­ly turn,
Say, will the an­gels be near?


When, as I gaze from the thresh­old of time,
Fainter and faint­er the light,
Softer and soft­er the voic­es I hear,
Bidding my spir­it good night.


Yes; they will come from the bright, sun­ny land,
Come on their pin­ions so fair;
Jesus will send them its glo­ry to tell,
Angels will car­ry me there.
