I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20
Words & Music: Nellie P. Chandler, in Praise and Service, edited by Charles H. Gabriel (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Baptist Publication Society, 1907) (🔊
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There’s a song within my heart today,
And rejoicing I go on my way;
For I’ve found a friend and guide,
And whatever may betide,
He has promised to be with me all the way.
For my Savior will be with me all the way!
Is the song my heart is singing all the day;
Then what evil shall I fear,
With my friend and guide so near?
He has promised to be with me all the way.
Oh, this song shall be a song of trust,
For His ways are always right and just;
And I do not walk alone,
Since He’s called me for His own;
He has promised to be with me all the way.
Thro’ His grace I’ll sing the victor’s song,
In His strength for right be firm and strong;
Tho’ temptations may assail,
In His name I shall prevail;
He has promised to be with me all the way.