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Scripture Verse

Heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8:17


Words: R. K. Wil­son, in Gospel Solos and Duets, ed­it­ed by Her­bert To­vey & Keith L. Brooks (Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia, cir­ca 1920), num­ber 24.

Music: Her­bert G. To­vey (🔊 ).

If you know Wil­son’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him, would you send us an e-mail?

Herbert G. Tovey (1888–1972)


Savior, time is fleet­ing by,
Soon this life will end­ed be,
And my soul will dwell on high
In that bright eter­ni­ty.
But I need Thee whilst on earth I stay,
There is much for me to do;
Strength I need each pass­ing day,
To be loy­al, pure and true.


Oh, the pro­mise that He gave to me,
When He suf­fered bled and died;
That for­ev­er I should be
With my Sav­ior glo­ri­fied.

On the cross, oh, cru­el tree,
Thou didst pay the price of sin,
That my soul may ran­somed be,
And to Heav­en enter in.
Holy, ho­ly is Thy match­less name,
This my song shall ev­er be;
Holy, ho­ly is Thy name
Now and through eter­ni­ty.


When my pil­grim­age is o’er,
And I’ve laid my tro­phies down,
May Thine in­vi­ta­tion be,
Enter thou, re­ceive the crown.
Thou, my Sav­ior, Thou hast saved alone,
This poor guil­ty soul of mine;
Make my heart Thy roy­al throne,
Reign as king and Lord di­vine.


I shall meet my Sav­ior there,
As the gates swing wide for me;
Then with saints and an­gels fair
All His glo­ry I shall see.
There’s a man­sion now pre­pared for me,
Jesus made this pro­mise sure;
In that blest eter­ni­ty
I shall dwell for­ev­er­more.
