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Scripture Verse

In Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11


A. Samuel Wallgren (1885–1940)
Courtesy of Covenant
Archives & Historical Library
Chicago, Illinois

Words: Jo­han L. Ru­ne­berg, 1857 (Hur ljuvt det är att kom­ma). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by A. Sam­uel Wall­gren (1885–1940).

Music: Sanc­tu­ary (Dann­ström) Jo­han I. Dann­ström, 1881 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Dann­ström (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Johan L. Runeberg (1804–1877)


What joy there is in com­ing
To God’s own courts so fair,
Where faith­ful souls are bloom­ing
Like li­lies in His care!
They raise their cha­lic­es ten­der
For Heav’n’s re­fresh­ing dew,
’Mid bless­ings God doth ren­der
They life and strength re­new.
’Mid bless­ings God doth ren­der
They life and strength re­new.

How beau­ti­ful the un­ion
Of souls re­deemed and free,
Who hold with God com­mun­ion
In faith and pu­ri­ty!
While songs of praise are fill­ing
Their sac­red place of rest,
Who then can be un­will­ing
To join their cir­cle blest?
Who then can be un­will­ing
To join their cir­cle blest?

Come, see the Lord’s sal­va­tion
And taste His love sin­cere;
Come, pray with­out ces­sa­tion,
Watch with His peo­ple here.
Outside, the world makes mer­ry,
Unhappy ’mid its toys,
But in God’s sanc­tu­ary
The soul finds heav’n­ly joys.
But in God’s sanc­tu­ary
The soul finds heav’n­ly joys.

May ne’er my foot­steps fal­ter
Tow’rd night away from day;
My light shines from God’s al­tar,
My sun I’ll seek al­way.
Here in His pre­sence glo­ri­ous
It is so good to be—
Let here my soul vic­tor­ious
Its ta­ber­na­cle see.
Let here my soul vic­tor­ious
Its ta­ber­na­cle see.