Scripture Verse

The city was pure gold, transparent like clear crystal. Revelation 21:18


Words: L. Mc­Han, in Her­alds of Grace, ed­it­ed by Ad­di­son B. Bow­ser (Dan­ville, Penn­syl­van­ia: A. B. Bow­ser, 1898), num­ber 131.

Music: S. J. Per­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Mc­Han or Per­ry’s full name, or where to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


There’s a path­way made straight,
Leading up to the gate
Of the won­der­ful ci­ty of gold;
Tho’ dark ag­es have rolled,
Yet it leads as of old,
To the won­der­ful ci­ty of gold.


Cheer, bro­ther, cheer!
Drive away doubt and fears,
We are tra­v’ling the path­way of old;
Oh! ’tis brigh­ter to­day,
As we press on the way,
To the won­der­ful city of gold.

Countless mill­ions have gone
O’er this path­way along,
To the won­der­ful ci­ty of gold;
Nevermore they shall roam,
For they’re now safe at home,
In the won­der­ful ci­ty of gold.


Many loved ones of ours,
Rest ’neath Ed­en’s ho­ly bow­ers,
In the won­der­ful ci­ty of gold;
Now they join with the throng,
As they sing re­demp­tion’s song,
In the won­der­ful ci­ty of gold.


Every step I’ll re­new,
As I on­ward pur­sue,
To the won­der­ful ci­ty of gold;
At the gate I’ll ex­claim,
Saved by grace thro’ Je­sus’ name,
As I en­ter the ci­ty of gold.
