The Redeemer shall come to Zion.
Isaiah 59:20
Words: F. M. Hicks, 1894.
Music: F. M. Hicks, arranged by William J. Kirkpatrick (🔊
If you know Hicks’ full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Wonderful Deliv’rer, blessèd be His name;
That He might redeem us, sent from Heav’n He came;
Wonderful Redeemer, He doth life bestow
Through a fount that cleanses whiter than the snow.
Whiter than the snow, whiter than the snow;
Savior, Thou the debt hast paid,
By Thy cleansing blood I’m made
Whiter than the snow, whiter than the snow.
Oh, what boundless mercy, oh, what pardon flows
Down along the ages, healing all our woes;
Love of Christ abounding, grace divine we know
There’s a fount that cleanses whiter than the snow.
We are coming, Savior, to Thy cross we cling;
Lo! our hands are empty, we can nothing bring;
Wash us, blest Redeemer, let the blood o’erflow
From the fount that cleanses whiter than the snow.
Jesus, dear Redeemer, Savior of my soul,
I will sing Thy praises while the ages roll,
Highest bliss of Heaven mortal can e’er know,
Washed and cleansed forever whiter than the snow.