He is risen.
Matthew 28:6
Words: Lizzie DeArmond, 1912. Published in Kingdom Songs, edited by Harold Lowden & Rufus W. Miller (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Heidelberg Press, 1914), number 222.
Music: C. Harold Lowden (🔊
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Beautiful, wonderful morning!
Gleaming with promise so fair,
Sunlight the hilltops adorning,
Gladness and light everywhere.
Sweetly the joy-bells are ringing,
Out thro’ the fragrance and bloom;
Nature a choral is singing,
Glory encircles the tomb.
Beautiful, wonderful morning,
Joyful His praises we sing;
Beautiful, wonderful morning of love,
Jesus doth live, Jesus our king.
Voices from Heaven seem calling,
Down from the skies bending low;
Fear not, tho’ shadows are falling,
Everything Jesus doth know.
Love like a fountain is flowing
Forth from the heart kind and true;
Cling to the hand strong and mighty,
Christ has arisen for you.
Beautiful, wonderful dawning,
Joy of the ages to be,
Visions of life’s blessèd morning,
Thro’ the grave’s portals we see.
Sweeter will grow the glad story
While the long ages pass by,
Bringing to earth a new glory,
Reigneth our king up on high.