Harold Low­den, C. Har­old Low­den


Acme Publishing
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1917

Born: Oc­to­ber 12, 1883, Bur­ling­ton, New Jer­sey (Fa­mi­ly­Search says 1882).

Died: Feb­ru­ary 27, 1963, Col­lings­wood, New Jer­sey.

Buried: Lo­cust­wood Me­mo­ri­al Park, Penn­sau­ken, New Jer­sey.



Carl was son of Will­iam Hen­ry Lowden and Em­ma Hol­cumb Cher­ry, and hus­band of Eth­el Kirk­bride (mar­ried Oc­to­ber 25, 1906, Cam­den, New Jer­sey).

He came from a mu­sic­al fa­mi­ly—his fa­ther is said to have played the trum­pet while rock­ing Har­old’s cra­dle, and his mo­ther played the or­gan.

By age 12, he was sell­ing com­po­si­tions to the Hall-Mack Com­pa­ny, and con­duct­ing the church or­ches­tra by the time he was a teen­ag­er.

Lowden was as­so­ci­at­ed both with Hall-Mack and with mu­sic pub­lish­er John J. Hood. In 1913, he be­came mu­sic ed­it­or for the Re­formed Church in Am­eri­ca. He lat­er went in­to bus­in­ess for him­self (though he failed dur­ing the Great De­pres­sion of the 1930s).

He then taught at the Bi­ble In­sti­tute of Penn­syl­van­ia, and was min­is­ter of mu­sic at the Lin­den Bap­tist Church in Cam­den, New Jer­sey.





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