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Scripture Verse

His name shall be called Wonderful. Isaiah 9:6


Words: Charles R. L. Vaw­ter, in Wor­ship and Ser­vice, ed­it­ed by Har­vey R. Chris­tie (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Stand­ard Pub­lish­ing, 1916), num­ber 16.

Music: Frank H. Shaul (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Vaw­ter or Shaul (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


A won­der­ful Sav­ior is Je­sus my king,
So gra­cious and lov­ing is He;
I’ll sing of His mar­vel­ous good­ness and love,
His mer­cy for you and for me.


O a won­der­ful Sav­ior is Je­sus,
Yes, a won­der­ful Sav­ior is He;
In mer­cy He came, O blest be His name,
For a won­der­ful Sav­ior is He.

Despised by His peo­ple and cursed by His kind,
He suf­fered and died on the tree;
A stran­ger, He found me a cap­tive of sin,
He bought me and let me go free.


He guard­ed and led me, He strength­ened my soul,
Forgave me when some­times I fell;
His love nev­er failed me, His pa­tience I know
The tongue of man nev­er can tell.


O friend of mine, list­en, the Christ died for you,
He calls, do not long­er de­lay;
This time is the time of ac­cept­ance for you,
The day of sal­va­tion to­day.
