There shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.
Zechariah 13:1
Words: Anna M. Mondy, in Songs for Jesus No. 5 (Greensboro, Georgia: Frank M. Graham, 1914), number 101. The song was captioned Property of Ozark Music Company.
Music: J. G. Henderson (🔊
If you know Henderson’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Mondy, would you send us an e-mail?
Hear the voice of Jesus speaking to the soul,
In His blood so precious He can make you whole;
He is kindly waiting for you to come in,
While the fount is open, won’t you step within?
Won’t you step within? O won’t you step within?
While the fount is open, won’t you step within?
In the ways of Satan you so long have trod;
Turn your back upon him—put your trust in God;
Christ the mighty Conqueror now will help you win;
While the fount is open, won’t you step within?
Do not longer linger on the verge of woe,
While the Lord is beckoning, gladly to Him go;
He will surely save you from the maze of sin;
While the fount is open, won’t you step within?