Scripture Verse

May they who love You be like the sun. Judges 5:31


Words: C. F. W., in Burn­ing Bush Songs No. 1, by Ar­thur F. Ing­ler et al. (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Me­tro­po­li­tan Church As­so­cia­tion, 1902).

Music: Ar­ranged by Ar­thur F. Ing­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


If Je­sus leads this ar­my,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun;
If Je­sus leads this ar­my,
We will out­shine the sun,
And we’ll walk the gold­en streets on high.

If we keep on a-pray­ing,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun;
If we keep on a-pray­ing,
We will out­shine the sun,
And we’ll walk the gold­en streets on high.

If we keep on be­liev­ing,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun;
If we keep on be­liev­ing,
We will out­shine the sun,
And we’ll walk the gold­en streets on high.

If we stay clean and hum­ble,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun;
If we stay clean and hum­ble,
We will out­shine the sun,
And we’ll walk the gold­en streets on high.

If Je­sus keeps us pol­ished,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun;
If Je­sus keeps us pol­ished,
We will out­shine the sun,
And we’ll walk the gold­en streets on high.

If we keep on a-shout­ing,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun;
If we keep on a-shout­ing,
We will out­shine the sun,
And we’ll walk the gold­en streets on high.

Keep win­ning souls for Je­sus,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun,
We will out­shine the sun;
Keep win­ning souls for Je­sus,
We will out­shine the sun,
And we’ll walk the gold­en streets on high.