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Scripture Verse

He changeth the times and the seasons. Daniel 2:21


Caspar J. Boye (1795–1853)

Words: Cas­par J. Boye, 1833 (Dybt Hael­der Åar­et i Sin Gang). Trans­lat­ed from Da­nish to Eng­lish by Paul C. Paul­sen in the Hym­nal for Church and Home, ed­it­ed by Jens C. Aa­berg (Blair, Ne­bras­ka: Dan­ish Lu­ther­an Pub­lish­ing House, 1927), num­ber 66.

Music: Gade Niels W. Gade (1817–1890) (🔊 ).

Niels W. Gade (1817–1890)


The year now hast­ens to its end,
Bleak is the coun­try­side;
A sad fare­well in song I send
The fleet­ing sum­mer­tide.

Soon howls the win­ter’s stor­my voice,
Things wi­ther and de­cay;
Let na­ture rest, I will re­joice
In God who lives for aye.

The sun is cut­ting short its trail,
The night pro­longs its sway;
God’s migh­ty arm shall nev­er fail,
His wis­dom nev­er stray.

The fad­ing leaves in co­lors glow
And soon are tossed about;
God’s love for me while here be­low
I nev­er­more will doubt.

I know where joy still has a home,
When bar­ren fields are white,
’Tis un­der Heav­en’s star­ry dome
With an­gel chor­us bright.

I know where I for hope may flee
When na­ture fad­eth here,
On Gol­go­tha, my Sav­ior’s tree
Stands ver­dant through the year.

With drop­ping leaves in au­tumn’s rain,
Let flow­ers fade and fall;
My faith in Him shall still re­tain
Its leaves and flow­ers all.

He pledg­es me eter­nal life,
Though win­ter storms as­sail;
He broke the tomb and won the strife,
His pro­mise can­not fail.