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Scripture Verse

You have welcomed…with rich blessings, and placed a crown of pure gold on [the] head. Psalm 21:3


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1907. Ap­peared in Hal­lowed Hymns New and Old, by Allan San­key (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1908), num­ber 3.

Music: I. Al­lan San­key (🔊 ).

I. Allan Sankey (1874–1915)


A year of pre­cious bless­ings
And glo­ri­ous vic­to­ries won,
Of ear­nest work pro­gress­ing,
Its on­ward course has run;
To Thee, O God, our re­fuge,
Whose good­ness crowns our days,
Within Thy earth­ly tem­ple,
We lift our souls in praise;
Within Thy earth­ly tem­ple,
We lift our souls in praise.

Thou mas­ter of as­sem­blies
In migh­ty pow­er des­cend,
Behold our glad re­un­ion,
Conduct it to the end;
Inspire our hearts with cour­age
And deep­er love for Thee,
That all, Thy name may hon­or,
Where’er our field may be,
That all, Thy name may hon­or,
Where’er our field may be.

O Church of God’s an­oint­ed,
March on the world to win,
Lead forth thy ranks by mill­ions
Against the hosts of sin,
Till at His throne in glo­ry,
Where an­gels pros­trate fall,
One hal­le­lu­jah chor­us
Shall crown Him Lord of all,
One hal­le­lu­jah chor­us
Shall crown Him Lord of all.