There were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them.@Luke 2:8-9
Josef Mohr (1792–1848)

Jo­sef Mohr, cir­ca 1816–18.

Franz X. Gru­ber, circa 1820 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Franz X. Gruber

Busuku obuhle.
Kuthulile konke nya.
Emuzini eBethlehema,
Umsindisi azelwe kuwo.
Akadunyiswe uJesu!
Akadunyisw’ uJesu!

Busuku obuhle,
Belusi nampaya
Bethandaza eBethlehema,
Nengelosi zihuba zithi:
“Gloria, Gloria, Gloria
In excelsis Deo.”

Busuku obuhle,
Umsindisi nanguya.
Eze kithi eBethlehema,
Uze kusisindisa thina.
Asimdumise simbonge
Kuze kube nini.